Gajdos apiary

since 1998


Welcome to Gajdos Apiary!

My name is Mate Gajdos I am agricultural engineer, beekeeper and queen breeder.

Beekeeping has been a tradition in my family for generations, as a child I was introduced to keeping bees by my grand parents who passed their knowledge on to both my father and uncle.

My family run a beekeeping and queen rearing operation in Debrecen, Hungary and have done so since 1998.

As the business has grown I have become increasingly interested in the industry both at home and overseas, which has led to me working in a number of different countries all over the world and developing a real passion for queen breeding. Nowadays I am focusing only on queen production in our apiary.

In 2017, I successfully applied for the call for “start-up support for young farmers”. From the amount won in the tender, various improvements were made in my apiary.


Address: 4002 Debrecen, Tölgyesalja utca 6.
Phone: 0036 70 454 9371
E-mail: gajdosmate@hotmail.com

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